Uniform & Personal Appearance

Students should wear The Kingsway school uniform correctly at all times. A high standard of personal appearance is expected of all students.

To avoid misunderstanding and to maintain our high standards of appearance, the following clarification is given:

  • Shoes: Plain, flat, below the ankle all black leather footwear only (including soles). Footwear should have no air pockets, different coloured laces or any additional decoration. It should not be a sports shoe.
  • Socks: Black or navy knee high socks or tights should be worn, free from any adornments such as bows or frills.
  • Trousers: Black, must be school approved tailored trousers – no jeans, canvas, chinos or corduroy allowed.
  • Skirt: Navy skirt - stitch down pleated (school crest optional).
  • Shirt: Plain white, short or long sleeved.
  • Jewellery: No jewellery may be worn, this includes earrings and other piercings. Please note, we do not allow plasters over new piercings – students will be asked to remove all piercings.
  • Watch: It is recommended that students wear a watch (not an expensive one).
  • Make-up: Should be discreet. Students wearing noticeable makeup will be required to remove it. Nail varnish and false nails (including gels and acrylics) are not permitted, neither are false eyelashes.
  • Outerwear: Denim, leather, camouflage jackets, coats with large or unsuitable logos or lettering and hoodies of any sort are not allowed. No outdoor coats or jackets are allowed to be worn in the school buildings.
  • Football Club Clothing: Coats, hats, scarves etc. which explicitly form part of the support for football teams are not to be worn.
  • Haircuts: Hair should be kept tidy with a sensible style and length. Extreme haircuts are not permissible, e.g. unnatural hair colour and shaved heads less than grade 2. As a Health and Safety measure, long hair should be tied back from the face during lessons where there is a potential Health and Safety risk, e.g. Food Technology or a Science experiment where a Bunsen burner is used. This applies to all students.
  • Bags: Students should be provided with a suitable bag to carry their belongings. School bags should have 2 straps and be big enough to carry the student's PE kit. Plastic bags and handbags are not appropriate.

Students wearing The Kingsway school uniform should remember they are representing the school at all times. Students should wear their school uniform in the following way:

  • Tie in year colour - Four stripes minimum.
  • Skirt - at full length not rolled up.
  • Socks or tights - Black or Navy, knee high no adornments such as bows or frills.
  • Blazer worn at all times in the building unless directed by staff due to a heatwave, in which case it should be carried over the arm or placed neatly in their school bag.
  • Shirts should be tucked in.
  • Black polishable shoes.
  • School trousers, no leggings.
  • Full school PE kit.

As a Health and Safety measure, long hair should be tied back from the face during lessons where there is a potential Health and Safety risk, e.g. Food Technology or a Science experiment where a Bunsen burner is used. This applies to all students. 

Would parents/guardians also note that aerosol type cans are NOT permitted in school. This covers deodorants and hair sprays.

We hope this information will help in providing guidance in the standards we expect. If, before expensive items are bought, you have any queries about uniform, please contact the school.

Equipment Expectations

On entry to school, students should display that they are ready to learn by showing their equipment in a clear pencil case, their planner should be open on their timetable page to demonstrate they are aware of the day's lessons ahead.

Minimum equipment expectations:

  • A two strap bag
  • A clear pencil case
  • A black pen
  • A pencil
  • A ruler

Optional additional equipment that will aid learning:

  • A rubber
  • A pencil sharpener
  • A glue stick
  • A protractor
  • A scientific calculator
  • Highlighter pens
  • Coloured pencils


Official Uniform Stockists

Monkhouse MCS Stores Debonair
The Shopping Centre 220‑222 Fog Lane Unit 15 Henshaw Street
Cheadle Hulme Didsbury Oldham
0161 488 3411 0161 445 7740 0161 620 0237
Website Website Website

To minimise the cost of uniform, we would strongly recommend that non-branded clothing is purchased from high street stores, such as supermarkets – this could include for example, shirts and trousers.

Students who arrive at the school inappropriately dressed will be given the opportunity to make corrections when entering the school building. Alternatively, students may be asked to return home to change (with parent/carer permission), or parents/carers may be contacted to ensure the correct uniform is brought into school so that the student can be dressed correctly.

Any student who is unable to wear the full school uniform due to medical concerns, endorsed by a medical practitioner, will be issued with a temporary uniform pass by their Pastoral Head of Year. The student needs to carry this pass with them at all times. Class teachers should ask students to produce their pass on entry to the classroom. All staff should address students who fail to wear the correct uniform and who deliberately choose not to be part of The Kingsway School's culture.

If there are any uniform concerns, please contact your child's form tutor in the first instance.

In some instances, we may be able to provide assistance with the cost of purchasing the uniform for your child, including the PE kit; parent/carers who are experiencing difficulties should speak to their child’s Pastoral Head of Year in the first instance, or at the point of transition into Year 7.

Second Hand Uniform
The school does not sell second-hand uniform directly. However, it might be possible to find second hand uniform in local charity shops, on parents' online groups and through the new Stockport Council school uniform scheme, more information about which, can be found here.

School Uniform: General

  • Navy blazer with school badge.
  • Navy V-neck pullover with school crest - students will not be required to wear this during warmer periods and is at the Headteacher's discretion.
  • Shirt - plain white, short or long sleeved.
  • School tie - in Year Group colour, with minimum 4 stripes showing.
  • Black tailored trousers.
  • Navy skirt - stitch down pleated (school crest optional).
  • Black or navy knee high socks or tights should be worn, free from any adornments such as bows or frills.

School Uniform: PE Kit

  • Navy Kingsway polo shirt (Also required for Dance)
  • Navy training shorts *
  • Navy skort *
  • Navy school leggings *
  • Indoor socks
  • Long-sleeve multisport shirt (optional)
  • 1/4 zip training top (optional)
  • Tracksuit pants (optional)

* Only one of the shorts, skort or leggings are required.

Please note: Black leggings, Black hot pants/cycling shorts are NOT allowed.

In relation to footwear, the school uniform policy states plain, flat, below the ankle all black leather footwear only (including soles).  Footwear should have no air pockets, not have different coloured laces or any additional decoration.

Black or navy knee-high socks or tights should be worn, free from any adornments such as bows or frills. 

The pictures below illustrate the type of school shoes that are permitted at The Kingsway School. 


  • Suitable hair accessories only, which must be plain and either navy blue or black. 
  • Hijab, if worn, must be plain navy blue or black and without decoration.
  • A two strap bag (ideally a rucksack) is part of the full uniform. The bag needs to be durable and big enough to fit key equipment (including planner), PE kit and a water bottle.

  • Outdoor: Suitable outdoor coats should be worn when the weather is inclement. Non-uniform jumpers or hooded tops are not permitted. Leather/denim coats and jackets are not permitted.
  • Hoods/Caps/Ski Masks/Snoods: not permitted.
  • Coats/Gloves/Scarves/Winter Hats: not permitted indoors.

For further information about uniform, equipment and school expectations, please visit the Behaviour: Ready Respect Safe Policy on our school Policies page.